Vintage Scarves
February 26, 2020
Lil’ Pop of Joy! (Scrunchies)
March 31, 2020The other day my Mom shared with me a little piece of history that I found so inspiring for this scary time that we are going through. She told me that during World War 2 of the imprisoned soldiers the ones that had the best survival rate, and the best health both mentally and physically, were the British soldiers. This is because they kept to a schedule. Even though they were imprisoned, they got out of bed each day, shaved, exercised, and continued to call each other by their official titles (like Officer and Colonel). They kept calm and carried on.

A month ago things got really busy with my career. I decided to step away from the blog until things calmed down a little. But just as things were settling down with auditions everything was starting to shutdown with the Corona Virus. I felt that I needed to take more time away to figure out my new sense of normal.

I am so so so excited to get back to blogging. I really love it and so appreciate all the love and support I’ve received thus far. While we are all in this “stay at home” mode, I plan to blog on pieces that are useful in this situation. Luckily online shopping is still an option for so many of us. I plan to feature pieces that are lower risk buys so that the chances that you will feel the need to return the item and go out to a shipping facility and expose yourself and others will be less likely.
I also plan do some posts that include resources and tips for making it through this. I’ve worked from home the last 3 years and know hard it can be in regards to productivity, motivation, and loneliness.

The last thing I want to say is I love you and it will be okay. I recently heard a historian say something really incredible… “history doesn’t often repeat itself, but it often rhymes.” We have faced other tragedies and survived. Nothing in history has ever happened quite like this, but we will be okay. Take it one day at a time. One moment at a time. Breathe.