
Headbands Fit for a Princess

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I don’t care how old I get I will always be a sucker for romantic fairytales of happily ever after. And I will forever ooo and ahh for sparkly princess tiaras. ​​

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I love how much headbands have become a trend. When I wear one I ever so slightly feel like I am wearing a tiara. 

​They are such fun and cheap accessories that can really put the finishing touch on an outfit. ​

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This is one of my favorite formulas for a summer outfit: a bright colored crop top, a flowy floral skirt, a walk-able low wedge heel or comfy pair of sandals, a jean jacket for when that subway air conditioning is cranked up, and then a fun headband to top it off.

​This green velvet headband is my new favorite. I am so excited to find more ways to wear it as the weather changes.

Here are my favorite headband finds that are all under $15!​​

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