Talking LOVE: Love, Work, Play
April 7, 2020
Gratitude & Gingham for Easter
April 13, 2020Friday’s may not have the same dazzle as they normally do but I still think they are worth celebrating . My Mom told me about Formal Friday. Where while in quarantine, for fun, some people are getting a bit more dressed up on Fridays to feel a little more like a normal person.
The idea sounded so fun that I decided to get dressed up today!

I opted for my favorite t-shirt dress because your girl still wants to be comfy at home. I topped it off with a corduroy bow scrunchie. I bought this dress in 2016 in a store back in California. I wear it all time. It’s my go to “I want to dress up without any effort.”

Lounge worthy t-shirt dresses: